
Volume 5, Issue 8, August 2016 (Title of Paper )

Page No.

Analysis of the Effect of Moving Surface on 3-D Symmetric Airfoil

Authors: Jerrin Varghese, Ibrahim Mohammadi

Abstract— Since the introduction of boundary layer theory by Prandtl, it has always been a great task to control the negative features and always use it for our advantage. Researchers have come up with various methods in controlling the boundary-layer. The use of moving wall and cooling for boundary-layer control has received relatively lesser attention. Irrespective of the method used, the main objective of a control procedure is to prevent or at least delay the separation of the boundary layer from the wall. Since boundary-layer is formed primarily due to friction between fluid flow and stationary surface, conversion of a portion of an airfoil into an endless belt between two rollers could reduce the friction to quite an extent. The highlight in this method is that it injects momentum in the boundary layer and hence preventing separation of flow. The CFD analysis concludes that drag reduction is possible by mounting a number rotating cylinders on the upper surface of the wing. The higher amount of drag reduction is of significant advantage as it reduces the fuel consumption. The concept airfoil showed increase in CLmax by around 8.8%.

Keywords— Boundary-Layer Theory, Flow Control, Boundary Layer Control, CFD Analysis, Drag Reduction comma.


[1] ―Shuvrodeb Barman, Asif Shahriar Nafi, Nafisa Nawal Probha, and Saif Atique . A CFD Based Parametric Study to Investigate the Moving Surface Effect on Airfoil Boundary-Layer Control .MIST, Dhaka, 2015.

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Utilization of Nano fluids for Heat exchanger

Authors:Dr. Hiregoudar Yerrennagoudaru, Manjunatha.k, B. Vishnu prasad, Sandeep. K, S.Veeresh kumar

Abstract—Ultrahigh performance cooling is one of the important needs of many industries. However, low thermal conductivity is a primary limitation in developing energyefficient heat transfer fluids that are required for cooling purposes. Nanofluids are engineered by suspending nano particles with average sizes below 100 nm in heat transfer fluids such as water, oil, diesel, ethylene glycol, etc. Innovative heat transfer fluids are produced by suspending metallic or non-metallic nanometer-sized solid particles. Experiments have shown that nanofluids have substantial higher thermal conductivities compared to the base fluids. These suspended nanoparticles can change the transport and thermal properties of the base fluid. The aim of this project is to summarize recent developments in research on nanofluids, and to carry out cfd analysis for four different nano fluids and the result is analysed, two fluids are selected for experimentation work and finally the experimented result is compared with the cfd results to draw out the conclusion. The different nano fluids used for cfd analysis are Magnesuim oxide-water, cupper oxide-water, Titanium oxide-water, and Iron oxide-water. For experimentation nanoparticle’s sizes are varied in the range of 70 to 230 nm for preparing nanofluids, and to observe enhancement in the thermal conductivity.

Keywords— CO, HC, NOx, SO2, NOx, SO X


[1] M.M. Elias, I.M. Shahrul, I.M. Mahbubul, R. Saidur and N.A. Rahim, Effect of different nanoparticle shapes on shell and tube heat exchanger using different baffle angles and operated with nanofluid International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 70, March 2014, Pages 289-297.

[2] Jaafar Albadr, Satinder Tayal and Mushtaq Alasadi Heat transfer through heat exchanger using Al2O3 nanofluid at different concentrations, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2013, Pages 38-44.

[3] I. M. Shahrul, I. M. Mahbubul, R. Saidur, S. S. Khaleduzzaman, M. F. M. Sabri, and M. M. Rahman, Effectiveness Study of a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Operated with Nanofluids at Different Mass Flow Rates, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A Applications: An International Journal of Computation and Methodology, Volume 65, Issue 7, 2014, pages 699-713.

[4] F.S. Javadi, S. Sadeghipour, R. Saidur, G. BoroumandJazi, B. Rahmati and M.M. Elias, M.R. Sohel, The effects of nanofluid on thermophysical properties and heat transfer characteristics of a plate heat exchanger,International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 44, May 2013, Pages 58-63.

[5] Y. Vermahmoudi, S. M. Peyghambarzadeh, S.H. Hashemabadi and M. Naraki, Experimental investigation on heat transfer performance of Fe2O3//water nanofluid in an air-finned heat exchanger, European Journal of Mechanics -/Fluids, Volume 44, March–April 2014, Pages 32-41.

[6] Arun Kumar Tiwari, Pradyumna Ghosh and Jahar Sarkar, Heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of CeO2/water nanofluid in plate heat exchanger, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 57, Issues 1–2, August 2013, Pages 24-32

[7] Shive Dayal Pandey and V.K. Nema, Experimental analysis of heat transfer and friction factor of nanofluid as a coolant in a corrugated plate heat nanofluid as a coolant in a corrugated plate heat exchanger, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science Volume 38, April 2012, Pages 248-256

[8] L. Shyam Sunder and Manoj K. Singh, Convective heat transfer and friction factor correlations of nanofluid in tube and with inserts : A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 20, 2013, pp. 23-35


Catalytic transformation of four non-edible vegetable oils into biodiesel using egg shell (CaO) as a catalyst and assessment of their fuel properties

Authors: Anuchaya Devi, Velentina Das, Dhanapati Deka

Abstract— Biodiesel has been prepared from four different non-edible oils i.e. Yellow oleander (Thevetia peruviana), Nahor (Mesua ferrea), Karanja (Pongamia pinnata) and Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) using egg shell as a catalyst. Egg shell (CaO) catalyst has been prepared from waste egg shells and used as catalyst in these oils. The FAME (Fatty Acid Monoalkyl Ester) produced by this method gives data in accordance with the ASTM D6751 standards. biodiesel fuel qualities like cloud point (°C), pour point (°C), kinematic (cst), viscosity at 40 °C, flash point (°C), oxidation stability (hours), Calorific value and carbon residue(%wt) are checked using standard test procedures. The heterogeneous catalyst prepared from the egg shell proves to be applicable in all the selected non-edible oil feedstocks to produce biodiesel.

Keywords—Non-edible oil, Egg shell, Heterogeneous catalyst, Biodiesel, Fuel property.


[1] Demirbas, A. 2009. Progress and recent trends in biodiesel fuel. Energy Conversion and Management, 50, 14-34.

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[3] Osawa, W. O., Sahoo, P. K., Onyari, J. M., Mulaa, F. J. 2016. Effects of antioxidants on oxidation and storage stability of Croton megalocarpus Biodiesel. Int J Energy Environ Eng. 7, 85-91.

[4] Sarin, A., Arora, R., Singh, N. P., Sarin, R., Malhotra, R. K., Sarin, S. 2010. Blends of biodiesels synthesized from Non-edible and Edible oils: Effects on the Cold filter plugging point. Energy Fuel. 24, 1996-2001.

[5] Boro, J., Deka, D. 2012. A review on Biodiesel. Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy. 6, 125-141..

[6] Devi, A., Das, V.K., Deka D. 2015. Designer biodiesel: Preparation of biodiesel blends by mixing several vegetable oils at different volumetric ratios and their corresponding fuel quality enhancement. Res J Chem Sci. 5, 60-65.

[7] Boro, J., Konwar, L.J., Deka, D. 2014. Transesterification of non edible feedstock with lithium incorporated egg shell derived CaO for biodiesel production. Fuel Processing Technology. 122, 72–78

[8] Devi, A., Barman, R.., Deka, D.2016. Designer biodiesel: An optimization of fuel quality by blending multiple oils, Springer Proceedings in Energy, pp 131-148.


Design and Analysis of Microstrip High Pass Filter Using Metamaterial

Authors: Rupam Shah, Dr. Awadhesh K.G. Kandu

Abstract--In this paper, design of six stubs i.e. six degree filter is being proposed and analyzed by using simulated Sparameters response with IE3D software. Also Highly selective filter based on complementary split ring resonator is pointed out. The structure shows a composite right or left handed (CRLH) behavior and, by properly tuning the geometry of the elements, a high pass response with a sharp transition band is achieved. Since the resonant elements are small, filter dimensions are compact .It comprises two CSRR sections with additional microstrip patches. The inter-digital capacitors are introduced to prevent transmission at lower frequencies. Left handed micro-strip lines are implemented by etching CSRRs in the ground plane and series capacitive gaps in the signal strip. Index Terms- composite right/left handed (CRLH), CSRR, and IE3D.


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