
Volume 6, Issue 9, September 2017


Big Data Processing in MapReduce Environment

Authors: Ankul Barman, Deepak Paranjpe


Copper Adsorption on Calcined Substrates from Three Granulometric Fractions Coming from Two Refractory Variable Charges Lithological Materials

Authors: Fernando Millán, José G. Prato, David Zerpa, Erika - Andrea Levei

Abstract— The paper presents the adsorption of copper ions on calcined substrates with variable charge surfaces prepared with refractory lithological materials coming from localities near Mérida city, Mérida State, Venezuela, (Lagunillas and Los Guáimaros). The studies were performed on activated and non activated calcined substrates, prepared from three granulometric fractions: gross fraction (1200 m – 425 m), medium fraction (425 m – 250m) and fine fraction (< 250m). The obtained isotherms were L type, showing strong affinity of Cu+2 ions for substrates surfaces, especially in case of activated substrate. This type of isotherm suggest specific adsorption with the formation of a directional covalent bonding between Cu+2 ion and the substrate surface formed by iron, aluminum, manganese and titanium amphoteric oxides. The linear fit using the Freundlich and Langmuir models show good linear correlations; however, differences between calculated and experimental values are higher when Freundlich model is applied. Adjustment to Langmuir model show better linear correlations and smaller differences and variability between calculated and experimental data so Langmuir model is more appropriated for experimental data interpretation

Keywords— Adsorption, calcined substrates, cupper ion, lithological materials, three granulometric fractions.


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